Fine Bark Builders Bulk Bag

£ 55.00

Fine Bark Builders Bulk Bag

Fine Bark provides an excellent finished look to any shrub beds.
Our bark is dark brown in appearance and is graded to 4mm – 10mm. Bark is an excellent weed suppressant due to the way it sits over the ground surface & carries excellent water retention values for all plant & flower life. Over time bark will break down and slowly release natural nutrients back into the soil.

Usage Guidelines
Bark can be applied at a layer depth of 10cm (minimum). When applying to the base of flowers/shrubs always allow a 1cm – 2cm clearance at root. For a reduction in the potential of weed growth, always consider using weed control fabric.

Coverage Guidelines
The general guide for the coverage of bark is that 1m3 will service an area of 10m2 at the depth of 10cm.

*Bag weight is an approx due to moisture content, and on this basis bark is always sold on its volume.

Delivery Method: Tail lift & Pallet Truck

Please see delivery terms & conditions for specifics.

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